On our first weekend of summer, we took the kids to Boulder City to ride a train and to go to Hoover Dam. It had been about 8 years since Larry and I had been back and what a HUGE difference a few years makes. I don't estimate very well, but the lake is down at least 40 feet. Of course you can see the line of
demarcation in the rocks but if you look way in the back, you can see little white specks... those are the boats. It gives you an idea of just how low the water level is.

We are standing on the State Line... Arizona and Nevada for you geographically challenged.

Matthew and Lauren take a look down the Dam - river side.

In the recent years, the traffic over the Dam has become ridiculous... plus with terror threats, Arizona and Nevada decided to build a Dam Bypass bridge. The picture doesn't do it justice... it was spectacular and absolutely mind blowing in it's construction and engineering.

Another shot of the Dam Bypass.

Lake side

We also took the kids to the Southern Nevada Railway Museum.

We saw some great old trains... some that have been around for over 100 years and others that helped transport materials and goods to the Dam during construction in the 1930's.

We sat in the open air cars and took a 45 minute ride through the hills of Boulder City.

Although it doesn't look like much in the way of scenery, it was a beautiful ride!

Lauren was ready to stay on the train all day!

We love trains!
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