Of course I always post the pictures in reverse order, so bare with me. The cheerleaders at my school held a "Baby Blazers" cheer camp for kids from the local elementary schools. They spent a Saturday afternoon learning a chant, a cheer and a dance to be performed at half time of a varsity basketball game. Both Lauren and Matthew were excited to participate and even though Matthew was the only boy, he shook his groove thing better than most of the girls. Above is a shot of all of the kids who participated.

Lauren and her friend Katie were the hit of the camp!

Matthew held his own and got special attention because he was the only boy!

This may be the last year that Matthew goes up... next year he has to learn how to do the lifting.

Lauren is still the lightest and goes up with ease. She loves doing the stunts and always goes back for more.

The basket toss dismount is better than any Disneyland ride and the cheerleaders love that catching her is like catching a pillow.

Matthew learning a dance move or two.

Yes, I am dancing... maybe not with the beat, but I'm cute so it doesn't matter!

Devyn not only is a super cute cheerleader, but she is "Z" BEST babysitter ever!!!