We thought maybe the weather would be a little more fall-like when we went to the pumpkin patch, but we made due with 80+ degrees... I love the Southwest.

The pumpkin patch had pony rides this year so Lauren went round and round...

Matthew found one as big as he is!

Matthew participated in his first pumpkin carving contest for school. Thanks to Papa Joe's broccoli idea, he won third prize out of all the first grade classes.

We are so lucky that Baby Kate came to spend Halloween weekend with us this year! FUN doesn't begin to describe our time!

Count Dracula and his princess were a big hit this year.

Not only were we lucky enough to have our baby cousin visit from Seattle, but Kate's best friend Jeffery drove all the way from Salt Lake to see her (and us). We had a packed house and loved every minute of it!

Trick or Treat!

Lady Bug Kate was doing her thing...

Look at me...

Cowboy Jeffery rounded up some goodies too!

Our other cousins came to Trick or Treat as well. Kyle and Matthew were brother vampires, and Quinn went Camando.

Little Miss Princess spotted this costume and HAD to have it. She wanted to be the Phantom of the Opera's "Christine" so this was as close as we could get.

She may just wear this again next year...

Assessing the haul!

Matthew racked in the most... he's got this door-to-door thing down pat!

Once the sugar buzz wore off, we headed to Mt's Edge park to play and hike. It was sunny and warm and the kids had a ball.

Kate and Jeffery had a race...

The jury is still out on the winner...

Matthew, however won the KING OF THE HILL contest.

Kate and Auntie Leah won the "King of the Slide" contest though.